The Overview
By appointment
Have family and friends (or maybe even co-workers) told you that you need to join LinkedIn, Twitter, or some other thing that sounds like an instrument of torture? Do you have the feeling that maybe they're right, or that you should at least find out more but you're not sure where to begin? The Overview is just what it sounds like: a 30-minute consult that will leave you informed about the basics of social media, social networking, and with enough information to decide whether or not you want to pursue either.
*Tip: In addition to helping you learn more about the field of social networking, this kit also provides a great opportunity for you to get a sense for whether or not I am the right digital strategist for you.
Cost: $35/30 minutes
The Security Audit
By appointment
Though many people have wisely begun searching their names online, most only use Google. While that is a good first step, most people remain unaware of the Deep Web. In contracting with me to conduct a security audit, you have the opportunity to learn exactly what information about you is revealed online, through publicly-available (and legal) databases and websites.
Your personalized security audit includes one hour of my time spent searching for you and your information online, and a one-hour consult in which you and I discuss the results and next steps .
*Tip: This kit is a good choice for people who are concerned about what information is available to the public, and who either don't have time to search for themselves or who need assistance in searching both the Surface and Deep webs.
Cost: $75/each hour spent searching; $80/hour to discuss your results.
Getting Started
By appointment
You're familiar with social media, and realize how important it is to your business. However, you don't have time to set up the accounts, or even to determine what are the best accounts for your field. I can help with that! Ahead of time, you'll fill out a short form detailing your business and your target audience, and our time together will be spent setting up the most appropriate two social media accounts. I'll also provide you with a schedule of the best times of days/amount per week for updating those sites, as well as suggestions for automated updating software.
*Tip: This kit is ideal for anyone who is convinced of the importance of social media, but who may not have the time to devote to finding the most appropriate platforms and creating an schedule.
Cost: $75/hour spent on researching the information specific to your business & target audience; $80/hour to discuss your results.
The Invigoration
By appointment
You've set up social media accounts, and that's wonderful! What's NOT wonderful is that you've become stalled because you aren't sure what your next steps should be: you have no idea who to follow on Twitter, or even if you've chosen the best social media platforms for your field or interests. This kit will help you to either begin building your online presence, or help you to grow it.
*Tip: This kit is an excellent choice for those who have already established accounts, but have yet to begin making the most of them.
Cost: $80/hour
The Objective Eye
By appointment
You long ago realized the importance of social media to your brand and business, and have established several accounts, which you regularly update with fresh content. Despite this sound strategy, you believe that social media could deliver more. Contact me, and I'll take an objective look at your online presence, and make suggestions for improvements.
Cost: $75/hour for reviewing your online presence; $150 for a written report which details my findings.
Speaking to Groups
By appointment I am available to speak to groups. Please contact me to discuss details.